Top employer for the second time
Bahlingen a. K. - The Company is once again one of the best employers in German SMEs and has been excellent and honored with the "Top Job" award. Wolfgang Clement, former Federal Minister of Economics and Labor (2002 to 2005), handed over the "Top Job" award to the company's representatives in the awards ceremony on February 17, 2017 in Berlin. As in 2014, an employee survey on employee satisfaction and leadership quality, which was conducted by the Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management at the University of St. Gallen, preceded it.
"We are very proud to be awarded with the" Top Job "-seal 2017 again. This is the result of the feedback from our employees and we are delighted about it, "says Pamela Braun, Managing Director. As an internationally active medium-sized company, the company places its social and cultural responsibility to employees and society. "The well-being and health of our employees and our social commitment are important elements of this responsibility. The renewed award of the seal shows the continuity of our HR work, "says Klaus Bühler, Managing Director of the company. The results from the benchmark as well as suggestions from the employees will use the company to work every day to get a bit better.
Braunform is a long-term oriented family business with currently approx. 350 employees based in Bahlingen and Endingen at the Kaiserstuhl. Some of the company's employees have been loyal for decades. This is the success of a strategy of continuity, fairness, loyalty and reliability of the family-run company.
The written fixing of values and leadership rules also give the company the basis for this as well as the existing HR marketing structure. In addition to the hard facts, such as salary structures and financial benefits, this personnel marketing structure mainly includes targeted personnel development and an own knowledge and health management. The topic of training and, above all, the transfer to a permanent employment relationship directly after training is of great importance - this is also reflected in the training rate of 13%.
To safeguard the future of the company, the company has defined the key aspects of its HR strategy.
This includes, for example, the focus on education and training policy. Finding skilling personnel is becoming increasingly difficult for companies. The answer from Braunform is to further develop the training. In-company training ensures qualified personnel. What is most important is a need-oriented training with the aim of taking over all trainees into an employment relationship. Since its beginnings as a training company, more than 200 skilling personnel have successfully completed their apprenticeship and / or studies and have been taken directly into an employment area after training.
In addition, the company places maximum emphasis on the satisfaction and loyality of the existing employee base with the company. Qualified employees are indispensable in order to remain competitive in the future. Because of this, internal training measures as well as joint activities and events play an important role at Braunform even after training.
Information about the competition Top Job:
The Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Heike Bruch, analyzed all participating SMEs. The scientists determined the employer attractiveness from two perspectives: First, they interviewed the HR management according to the used methods and tools of personnel management. On the other hand, they conducted an employee survey, the centerpiece of the "Top Job" analysis. Here the staff provided information about their satisfaction with the work environment, the quality of leadership and their identification with the company and its products.
General picture material from the award ceremony is available in the press area of www.topjob.de.